Remember to click Save once your finished editing.Most of the properties described above can be edited while that animation is playing for instant feedback. Plays the animation using the current settings. Shows the current frame and also acts as a scrub bar to move quickly through the animation Animation after this point will be ignore

Use this to set the out point for the motion clip. Animation before this point will be ignored. Use this to set the in point for the motion clip. Ping Pong plays the clip backwards then forwards.

Sets the type of loop, cycle will continuous play from beginning to end. Sets the type of clip, use Standing/Walking for characters on the feet and Sitting for seated characters There are calculated using the speed the foot is traveling using the value set in the Feet Land In Speed slider as a threshold. These gray markers show points at which the feet are in contact with the ground. In most cases this is detected automatically but it can be adjusted using this slider Anima uses these points to build the locomotion of characters from motion clips. This parameter controls the speed speed threshold for a foot to be considered in contact with the ground. This interface lefts you control the cycle mode, automatically detect footsteps and set the type of motion clip using the following settings: a – Feet land-in speed